Chaos in the CBD, also known as Ben and Louis Helliker-Hales, are a dance/electronic duo from New Zealand. The brothers, originally from Auckland, now tour the world as DJs with their catchy upbeat electronic music.
Ben is the one that produces all the music and Louis weighs in on creative direction. You can find them now living in Peckham, London where they frequent places like Boiler Room.
Asked about their name, the brothers said it “stands for ‘Chaos In The Central Business District’ and it’s just a little joke really. We’re from a pretty quiet peninsula in Auckland and when we would go to town in the weekends we would cause chaos… basic teenage delinquent stuff really.”
“Emotional Intelligence” begins with a subtle and hypnotic beat that immediately sets the mood. The track unfolds gradually, drawing the listener into its introspective world. The duo expertly weaves together layers of ethereal pads, warm synths, and intricate percussion, creating a rich and textured sonic landscape. It is much more of a laid-back house music vibe perfect for cleaning your room or working in a coffee shop.